Presbyterian Church - Black Mountain
Welcome Mat
Priorities of this Church
Wholehearted, God-honoring, Biblical worship – of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with true affection and joy, sincerity of heart, and readiness of mind…all according to the Word of God.
Preaching and teaching to change lives – faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, promoting spiritual growth by showing how God’s truth is relevant for all ages, and providing congregational care through pastor and elders.
Loving each other and our neighbors – training and equipping the saints to use gifts, talents, and passions to serve fellow believers and our world through prayer, encouragement, giving, and serving—both at home and abroad.
Worship Style
The Lord of Glory deserves worship that is reverent and joyful. Historic Reformed worship emphasizes the majesty of the Creator of heaven and
earth. We try to foster a fitting sense of worship in congregational singing, using piano-led psalms, hymns, and Spiritual songs from across the span
of Church history.
Our worship includes other elements from Reformed tradition, such as Confessions of Faith and Sin, Assurance of Pardon, Commandments, the Westminster Catechisms, and other historic creeds.
The goal of worship, and all of life, is to glorify God...and enjoy him forever.
Pastor & Denomination
Friendship's pastor is Rev. Robert Russell Drake. Bob studied philosophy at Bethel College (St. Paul) and theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). He received an M.A. in Humanities from Western Kentucky University, and did two years of additional graduate work in American Studies at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis). He was ordained in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in 1972. After pastoral work in Philadelphia and campus ministry in Minneapolis, he joined the Presbyterian Church in America in 1983 to become the pastor of Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church in Asheville, North Carolina. He retired from that church after 31 years of ministry and now serves as Stated Supply at Friendship. Bob's wife, Vicki, is an editorial assistant with World News Group. They raised four children, have sixteen grandchildren, and in April 2017, became great-grandparents!
Friendship is part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), an evangelical denomination formed in 1973. It honors the Bible as the inspired and inerrant word of God, and our absolute authority. We are one of over 30 congregations in Highlands Presbytery, which is one of more than 80 presbyteries nationwide. The PCA agrees with other Reformed churches in our debt to the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and Canons of Dordt.
History & Future
Friendship's roots go way back to the early 1900s, but the current facility was built more recently. We're located in Black Mountain, just a stone's throw away from the gateway arch into the town of Montreat.
Attendance varies, but basically we're a small and hardy congregation. We are beginning to grow again after a successful -- but long and severely depleting -- struggle to resist a covert takeover by white supremacists. We're now more racially diverse and want to develop in many other godly directions as the Spirit leads, and as our numbers and depth increase.
How can I contribute?
Engage with God and us through:
People are our primary resource, but financial gifts help too. Make checks out to Friendship Presbyterian Church, PO Box 116, Black Mountain NC 28711.
Start just by coming to visit!
Contact church staff at 828-974-4773 or email 1137friendship@gmail.com.